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Will make them is a parents and children to authenticate.
Be just virtuous door Si while lookinging at that Spanish old Buddha Ye to own offer, really have a little meat painful, after all that is 1 to create a historical exorbitant price.
However virtuous Si in the door at the same time also very clear, that old Buddha Ye is compelled hasty, would cut off all means of retreat so of fling out a check of so big face value, see come out, the emperor of now the horse and old Buddha Yes is all placed in rains and winds to float to shake of status in, Ba Sai Luo that of rising make them feel very big pressure.
To know this match quarter Royal Madrid even if is to usher in text and many people in Europe, but the effect is all very bad, even they the fourth that can line up in the league match, this lets the polo of a lot of emperors the fan all start making a row, they even doubt the Fu Luo Lun Di promise this guy would be medium to take an advantage at turning.
Under Ba Sai Luo's that circumstance that rans over he or she's a head of, the old Buddha Ye has to seek a way to turn around a bad situation, but Lin Yi that boy is undoubtedly a quite good choice,Beats by Dr Dre solo.
The probably old Buddha Ye just thinks Zuan a tight rice straw for Helping and helps the situation that he stabilizes emperor's horse, but a ball team like this even if can give an exorbitant price, to Lin Yi in nowadays, also not is what good matter, an even in the future all have a little dicey club, the burden that will become that boy.
Connect those stars in the cavalries of emperor all after cutting and polishing exit of time, really don't know that the old Buddha Ye returns to sit in seat of honor how long in the position of club chairman.
Such a club even if can take Be several to must turn membership dues to buy Lin Yi, under the sistuation that is all dicey hereafter, you still hope someone can give this small guy help?If Lin Yi once the performance disorders, so will have the trouble to all over the place reject a voice to seek him, that will very what a mess.
Although missed such a creation to turn membership dues to use a historical opportunity, to virtuous Si in the door, he is to so specially care, because he has much of confidence, value of that boy will more and more Hai person, don't forget, this small guy still doesn't arrive 18 years old, he still has quite a few time.
When together reach inside and Beckham Mu these older generation son the star walk into he or she gradually occupation career in last phase of time, be like the small guy like this of Lin Yi and Luo, will be new dominating of 1 in the football field, waiting their will be higher salary and exorbitant price to generally turn membership dues to use.
Missed a business that ascends 1,000,000 incomes, virtuous Si in the door this kind of businessman might be a little bit not that pleased, but Lin Yi that boy at English super fame more big, virtuous Si in the door has already becomes more busy and become contract and various hearsays of heap to all surround the small guy creation of this black hair.
As for that income that misses, in this kind of contract that piles up as the mountain, seem not difficult take back, just that boy comes in summer of time, see to is a nothing important a rest of time, if probably of words, virtuous Si in the door believes, the business activity of this boy may flood the whole holidays.
However most let a virtuous Si accident of BE, many manufacturers who come from Asia, all at momentary sent out interested in Lin Yi of signal, and that of, obviously want to compare Europe and America this place of the prices make a grade, virtuous Si in the door really doesn't know this boy to exactly still contain how of potential.
Even the boon of Kai Ni all at privately and virtuous Si in the door converse of time, have intention to not intentional of once say, probably slicing Er the west can consider in summer again extension for a while Lin Yi's contract, and annual salary can be measured with company and see come out, that guy also smelt from turn the meeting the market what dangerous, so he wanted to use one the long-term contract of paper be thoroughly left Lin Yi Stanford University bridge, after even being just signing contract for half year, urgently can not treat of cut and polish and continuously invite.
"E, that boy now heel a bank move about ……", virtuous Si in the door looking at the time of that contracts and fondle forehead exclamation way.
But this ambulation wear of bank, still just continuously increase in value ……
(Pray for people in Yunnan, hope that the disaster can pass by, as for sea there of, don't understand to release ……I don't want to be complained, so don't understand to release ……)V
Chapter 246
Lin Yi absolutely can say on the English super match field up have already become the No.1 that can stir up trouble person, although the this boy current age compares majority of opponents to all have to be a little bit young, now already the nobody dare to despise this boy in the awe dint on the football field, and more and more of reporter also cover of words tube and lens aim at him.
This can not only station in London and again concern slice the reporter of the west of Er is taking aim at this small guy, now is more and more foreign reporters, also beginning cover a super hot Jay-Z of this English be became own task, however when these reporting of the guyses become more and more repeated, meeting someone want to report everything of that small guy from some alternative angles, just their way, not necessarily will be accepted by Lin Yi.
Lin Yi this boy can say to slice Er now the west is inside the brigade most drive medium concern of person, but he is also one of the person who had better talk while accepting to cover at the same time, you see little of he copes with those to surround his own reporter with a kind of impatient attitude, even the fan is unending to request, Lin Yi also all spends possibly big satisfy time the other party.
As long as being Lin Yi to have time, he meeting at lord field be over after, exclusively spare to come to match a shadow or stay some time to those persons who need to be signed with fan for 20 minutes, the good tempers of this boy were in the Stanford University bridge of.
Especially many female fans, they absolutely want to usually use for this a just and too of smiling face, greeted own black hair young man to infatuate to die, anyway every Lin Yi of all nearby is a woman to come together the most place.
Connect orchid Pa virtuous handsome boys like this are all disappointed, because from beat Lin Yi to come to slice Er west, he this handsome boy's position have already become precarious, those female fan that make sheep eyes with oneself at ordinary times, all run to be addicted to Lin Yi.
Press their words to say, "what call gentleman, see somebody else's wood, that smiling face, absolutely can melt me."
However see by himself/herself at Lin Yi, woman, regardless is which nation, all similar spoony, the only differentiation be, the female fan age of London has to be aer little bit young than the Boer diagram's, at least calculate not up is what aunt reinforcements regiment.
No matter is to treat fan or treat medium, Lin Yi all displayed 1 kind not and together and usually of patience, this is also a virtuous Si to have already once told one of his important affair and treat medium, don't spoil as far as possible bad they, but don't also provoke them, keep a distance of adequacy, let them become you after death of a kind of very special help.
After all have no now which ball the star is to escape from medium publicity outside, especially those super stars, their everybody of all have own medium mouthpiece after death, this kind of virtuous Si doesn't dare small Qu.
Some time, the strength of the medium publicity, even can change to turn a meeting at a time, or is the whole life that changes a player.
The suggestion nothing important of Lin Yi facing each other virtuous Si can resist of, although usually he will also feel a little bit feel sick of to those problems that repeat numerous times,he has never expressed to serve as what impatient facial expression, at least after he got to England, have never truely once refused what medium of interview request, always all express very a match.
Compare with with the Mu inside Ni Ao, the temper of this boy is really very good, with as for much time, Ni Ao in the Mu all push him to the forefront of accepting the interview, then oneself the opportunity to borrow and ball team absquatulate, Lin Yi about became to slice the image ambassador of the west of Er.
Can even if is temper the good person don't also easily stir him to the Liao again, besides Lin Yi's this boy is to belong to that kind of, you don't ask for me, how all say, but you have to ask for me, that let , Lao Tze definitely dig your person of my grandfather grave.
An individual of the sky television station teaches reporter when the he or she sudden fantasy prepares Zuan to write Lin Yi's mother's relationship with the father's, very and not and wisely say on the newspaper, Lin Yi is just the mistake of that disappointed football athlete and an Asian woman Related articles:

