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Have already not controled to live behind concussion to walk around in the tent.
"He wants the big grass Qiu that the defense set out in the orchid Mu that dynasty northeast in town to rise and fall up, but leave the positive steppe battlefield to the empire soldier!?"The moxa beautiful Se Rui finally understood everything in the Nuo consternation and pull virtuous Si to compute the brain of this accurate situation and had new understanding to the sea space.
"Yes, raining season like this, even if it is clear now, the empire emperors have to chase his battalion decoration is in being all steppe of mud everywhere and ride a soldier to probably have no great influence, but empire of the infantry have to once exceed this natural separate just can hurtle the grass Qiu that space in Shanghai pulls virtuous Si battlefield, if the empire emperor doesn't meet challenge to battle but continue to push forward to receive more river a front line toward the east, that sea space pulls the battalion of virtuous Si to safely wait the opportunity gives from the rear of the side the empire emperor attack from both flanks,beats by dre pro, so, the empire emperor didn't choose the right in the battlefield, he has to exterminate a sea space to pull virtuous Si, so as to have continue east enter of opportunity!"
This bedlamite, does he want to become there ten several big grave field of ten thousand empire soldierses ……moxa beautiful Se Rui the Nuo foolishly sit on the chair and still have a little unwilling, "all of this are what you thinks, pull virtuous Si to have no in case of the sea space ……have no do you think so thoughtfully?Or he don't notice these at all ……"
"That his waiting be annihilated by the empire emperor, or because take several ten thousand battalions to escape excessive receive river and in clear and ordered patternly insist a deluxe soldier work the archon tenure expire and be relieved all jobs by the tallest elder statesman's hospital, after all receive more embankment line to have second space benefit now Si several myriad people at defend all right already, and he at pay still have never obstructed falling of big slice of national territory to be good enough to let so under the great damage his supporter disappoints and also makes tallest elder statesmen find out to lend."
Finish saying this, Er the uncle went a gift especially, left tent.

The 11th chapter 11
Renew time:2009-4-2510:50:49 chapter word numbers:14943

Mainland bright 2772(solar calendar 2 years) of Li February 3, firmly stand by more than ten days' Pu Luo Lin Si republic south Ao strange Nie Si province the capital Ji Er benefit receive city to fall, six Pu Luo Lin Si's army corps 32,000 people in addition to more than 14,000 wounded soldiers be captured, defend commander in chief together with the city Wen Sen general at inside of more than 17,000 government troopses fall in action, city's expecting in the defensive warfare and the empress is destroyed by severity in the street fighting.However guard the soldier surplus battle supplies sinks in the city of pull all of the in advance orderanying of the virtuous Sis to burn down according to the sea space, the appurtenance supported the hoard ground wildfire that spreads to open to almost burn down 1/3 Ji Er the benefit receive city.
Empire-rice second Si the central group battalion receive city in the benefit of Ji Er bottom the loss be up to 30,000 people, even if plus to dawdle to since then add from the big rear at the time, the whole central group battalion also however the whole independent knight's regiment that weave into several easts:21 field battle army corpses in addition to enter participation to make track for shot sea a space to pull virtuous Si battalion, the total troops cuts to 140,000 people, and overwhelming majority the government troops all have been utterly exhausted.
On February 5, an astonishing news that comes from southern battlefield spread to gather in the benefit of Ji Er and receive the empire of the city central group battalion a soldier at the time in.On January 28, six crack field battle army corpses of the Pu Luo line group of Lin Si Nan 34,000 people start getting away from entwining of the empire south line battalion slow-moving north up, attempt to give relief to the benefit of Ji Er to receive city.But the empire south line group commander in chief gram row Si tower because fear not enough of troops to start a weak countercharge behind right away constringency troops, can not obstruct those six Pu Luos at all going up north of Lin Si crack army corps transfer.
Received city to take a rest for two days in the benefit of Ji Er, February 6.Half month ground light drizzle the weather finally clear up, empire emperor especially inside rare sea benefit the Si lead in person 16 at the time the army corps(contain second Si Kingdom of rice three army corpses) of the whole plait 100,000 people beginning toward east rabid, prepare to remit to match have already advanced east enter of 15,000 ride a soldier, common participation pull the running fight that the virtuous Si east withdraws battalion to the sea space, but leave five army corpses(contain second Si Kingdom of a rice army corps)25,000 people to receive city and rear vital part in the benefit of Ji Er, in order to prevent have from the south since then of six Pu Luo Lin Si's army corpses.Previous, because of 15,000 ride the soldier's"effectively procrastinate military tactics", the sea space pulls 50,000 people of virtuous Si are after dawdling more than ten days also arrive distance to receive more river 120 in of place.And the hearsay sea space withdrew to remain on standby at first after pulling the virtuous Si because of the tallest elder statesman the hospital easily give up to him the south the Ao the strange Nie Si the ground fury in province with strong the ream but have to stop.
The stalemated status of south north two lines lets whole face to face both parties of central battlefield all laid aside tied to acquire tremendous free exertion space, but regardless is the central battalion of empire emperor, is still that the sea space withdraw after pulling the virtuous Si have to crustily the skin of head stop of central battalion, have to face a fact, be have to win opposite ground then the opponent can continue to go forward or get away from a predicament.
Pu Luo Lin Si the republic after continuously extending in thousand in the last yearses the victory finally want to face the most ruthlessness fact, is the tallest elder statesman's hospital could not take out an army corps any further.In addition to the north has to defend rare Luo Kingdom and Lu fix a few frontier army corpses of Si the united kingdom, the whole local and central interior region left the deluxe archon sea space pull the virtuous Si leads of eight field battle army corpses of the republic central group are 50,000 people, and at deluxe archon space benefit the second Si lead of receive more embankment to resist 12 field battle army corpses of groups 72,000 people.(truely complete the field battle battle standard plait set among them of only have six crack main army corpses 38,000 people, leave of six new soldier's army corps 34,000 people basically the defense battles, besides which, also don't have any big mobile field battle ability)But sink at the south north the battle troops of two lines, tallest elder statesman hospital from open hostilities a beginning, basically rare add, so if can not in the positive battlefield thoroughly the crest live central group battalion of empire ten several ten thousand grounds of crack, tall officers of that tallest elder statesman's hospital very clearly understand this nationally future.
Drive compare to Pu Luo Lin Si Qian the year is difficult to meet of military genius ground the deluxe archon sea space pull virtuous Si in this two continuous battles of months in addition to withdraw be withdraw, south northern two front beat a hideous messly.Central front suffers a crushing defeat more, west noodles the big slice of national territory lose.The soldier damages severity, also was all the way caught up with by the empire emperor black reach in the benefit Er side of province.The tallest elder statesman's hospital realizes a sea space to pull virtuous Si to back again one step will seriously influence citizen's morale.Then although can depend on receiving more embankment line temporarily impede live the headway direction of empire battalion, along with horarily change, hoping lately bright knight's regiment of that bright church of Luo Kingdom and Volkswagen certanly will take advantage of an opportunity to send army from the north into make, and Kai boon Si empire of the strong national strength will make more troops sending into Lin Si of Pu Luo's plain national territory from west noodles, even if empire emperor already fully satisfied no longer continue toward east take the offensive, southern north two lines will be also adjusted a solution one by one definitely by the empire emperor, those subjugate a ground of place will also thoroughly lose to recover of hope, this nationally destiny very easy walk into overall collapse of territories ground.
Bright Li in the mainland February 14, 2772.The distance receives more river 100 many inside of southern Ao strange Nie Si province with black reach benefit Er the province hand over boundary place.
The weather is bright and beautiful, spring day Gao Zhao.In a row long overcast and rainy the weather of more than 20 days finally spreads to go, top of head is a hope a limitless bluish green and blue white cloud at present vast plain moist and delightfully fresh, early spring green grass new bud at tie up after a cold winter finally the no time for waiting ground drilled soil, scan widely but go to, the one is jade-green to move to rise and fall in tiny cold spring breeze medium-frequency wave, bring about a burst of the wave of the green.Appear on the steppe that occasionally can also see an east a group of cluster of put to pasture of cow sheep and big slice of of rich spring sowing farmland.
The north isn't and far the one color more deeply green big steppe, the geography slowly tilts to one sides toward the low short north, then beyond the horizon again start dynasty the northeast rise and fall and rises and falls over there but rise of the northeast on the side of the gentle ascent grass Qiu plain, a scatter sparse building of small town ambiguously it is thus clear that.
This is Lin Si of Pu Luo black reach boundary small town in province of benefit Er, orchid Mu Si. The novel sorting is released to ωωω .ㄧбk .cn
Huge Pu Luo Lin Si the army camp is noisy matchless, more than 70,000 Pu Luo the republic military officer soldier of Lin Si is jubilant, take an easily pleased smile on the face, Related articles:

