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We wear to think ……"the thunder boon has a little move, can peep out a profound misgiving again, " that we can the Gu soldier battle, how do you intend to do?"
"Concentration's most powerful fighting strength, drawing on the part of dark empire soldier has to be a Zu with us in expecting getting Rui gram fortress territory frontier shot war, as long as we can occupy to some advantage or the performance to offer for sale the fighting strength that they worry, they may choose to go up north a frontier first to vanquish silver wolf army corps very much and trust again to go down south peninsula to offend city!"Chris Ting is quiet the boon for thinking for several minutes, telling the thunder own viewpoint.
"Draw on their main force to inland to decisive battle with us?That we be not ……"the thunder boon have a little difficult, he knows even if concentrated the summer Si wood's troops, oneself also however more than 5,000 persons, and the other party still has so terrible toxin weapon, once the soldier gets hurts and then equals to fall in action, depletion like this even if the crest led this attack, also impede not dark empire soldier strong line of second aggression for launching.
"Not …… not afraid, want ~only they kept off town …… I did so much ……"
Chris Ting peeped out a Yin cold smile, she intended to use the most simple way annihilates the other party of with patience ……
The beautiful young girl that the thunder boon foolishly looking at this facial expression and greatly changes seemed to see limitless gloomy murderous look from the other party the beautiful black brown eyes, in the noble qualities what to reveal is to let comfortable heart of people of felling, but a kind of huge earthquake Zhe and strong pressure, not from must feel unfamiliar, he associated before one and half years at gram in text Delhi all the Kingdom kings Lai Si take place especially of the affairs that eliminates and rebels nobility, that cold blood but cruel fairy seems and appears ……
"Is all right ……" thunder boon slowly the body in Fu, went one the very and polite half kneel an etiquette, the mouth inside slightly reads Ci, "absolute being and I together at ……"

Is the sixth to make track for the dance of the dream chapter 7 silver wolf(six)
Renew time:2008-4-422:12:45 chapter word numbers:10670

The southern mainland disorders cluster the long peninsula of the city's most southeast side, produce a high-quality timber, medicine material and edible seafood, peninsula northern side is rich plain, south gradual is geography complicated mountainous country bush, but Ba Rui gram the fortress locate at in the west of the peninsula to face plain and mountainous country of sea to combine part, the peninsula faces west from here south tiny flection, form one to clip Cape gulf, this place port geography condition superior, is a natural large shelter.And expect Rui gram fortress also because own such a port that can pass in and out to anchor large see-going ship, become confusion cluster of city trade in the south to swallow the port of vomiting the biggest quantity, total population 120,000, be used as a port city, its scale in the city is second only to northern sea under the virtuous fortress control of method in the port city west Er harbor, and peninsula area more big, in addition to expect Rui gram fortress lord there are still a lot of direct jurisdiction small towns outside the city.
The local territory manages a policy similar to the northern traditional city, also opposite orthodox tradition 1:00, although slave business phenomenon also very universal, compare with west noodles those replace slave once in several years the city of lord governance to say, expect Rui gram fortress return be regarded as traditional disorder city city.However because Lu Er west and Si's giving a gram of Kingdom have been already stopped and disorder the trade of the cluster city and the nervous situation of the southern mainland, so the harbor that hustles at ordinary times has already disappeared the merchantman of those multifarious discrepancies at present.
Expect Rui gram fortress city with the plain of north already drive amount more than 4,000 dark empire soldier to capture, and one leave Ba Rui gram the fortress ride horse about a day, the frontier of route of travel blockader the line cross peninsula east the west coast line have already set out half for several months, any not- dark empire soldiers can not pass in and out, and Ba Rui gram noodles in harbor open sea of the fortress city also anchor tenth, black and large war ship, blockade promise a big port strict actually solid.
The dark empire army camp of more than 4,000 persons ground inside, atmosphere is serious of the military meeting is convening in the commander in chief tent.
"Shi Wa Ci's general, the north blockader line spreads news, the north frontier neighborhood discovered that the visiting of the silver wolf mercenary soldier regiment probes to ride a soldier!"A military officer points at map up approach peninsular one district, " we have already cut to kill quite a few to stir, however estimate that they have already discovered our schemes."
"Is the silver wolf mercenary soldier regiment again?Didn't "be called Gao Da Dun Hei of general A military officer eyebrows tight lock, " other cities respond?"
"We are previous of the intimidation act effective, west, none of a few nearby cities of north direction dare to move and pour west the fortress of Wen Bu Er of the noodles suddenly concentrated many people in the news that our dispersal will attackstone, the person of good elephant still a silver wolf mercenary soldier regiment was organizing."
"A very small board of trade mercenary soldier the regiment is incredibly so warmhearted …… want to battle out to expect with my army corps Rui gram fortress?"
Shi Wa Ci's general was an old soldier, ever died dark absolute being to make the under charge of thin row Si, however by more than a yearses in the middle of the civil war he go and live with the Ai space admired virtuous prince, this was the identity that he completely hurtled second emperor of Ge Lai just make of decision, but not the Ai space admired the real strenght of virtuous prince.Take own second Luo empire especially the 17th army corps become this this southern mainland to send punitive expedition a soldier of three big main force of a.The army corps troops of this dark empire army corps tallest conductor under charge removes in the west fortress territory of Wen Bu Er and carries on 1,500 people of the military tactics beguilement and distributes in northern city territory in the neighborhood more than 6,000 people at present of a little amount probe in addition to troops, he has already concentrated 4,500 people at present of main prepare to carry on offending a city war, and port outside of sea surface the top still has be loyal to an Ai space admire virtuous prince of part of second Luo especially empire the navy is matching with.
"General, this a few months of this silver wolf mercenary soldier regiments develop very quickly, troops already more than 5,000 people, however they big parts of hands all is escorting company's brigade, and mostly is a new soldier.The intelligence report of"the tone that a military officer disdains to a to attend to makes circumferential associates all peep out an easy smile, " west suggests, they incredibly gather several ten thousand slaves of Wen Bu Er's fortress all defend city, but the silver wolf mercenary soldier regiment in the city the troops still don't arrive 1,000 people."
"Do not drop with the light heart, that hearsay fierce female sorcery sword isn't the private in the silver wolf?"Although Shi Wa Ci didn't also put this not- professional troops of silver wolf eye in, he is worried about the intelligence report inside passes on a message of that Chris Ting female sorcery sword private, " since the silver wolf have already sent person to check to explore, and Ao especially the spy of the fortress of Wei Ci already several days have no news, estimate our the activity have already been figured out by the silver wolf 12, we have to be careful."
The fighting strength of Shi Wa Ci very self-confident oneself's soldier, but he also knows at the same time second Luo that land at present especially empire soldier however just an army corps is more than 6,000 persons, and before have no port, for sending these 6,000 bearers up the mainland and spending quite a few for month of time, if this disorders cluster the city really gathers, he is also can not stand, so have to in quickest time inside capture Ba De Rui of south gram fortress, so as to make 6,000 people of the eighth army corps go into the city, till then, two fighting strengths of army corpses are good enough to take to have a steady heel here, then new city ruler in under the disguise of region wait for opportunity, as long as the Si of north gives a gram of Kingdom and disorders city allies to beat nobody wins of time, the Ai space admire virtuous prince and then can take here as gangplank to launch a large-scale southern mainland to invade.
"General, expect Rui gram the fortress still kept refusing our to ask for surrender a book!"Another military officer walked into tent, was full of exasperation on the face.
"Do they really think that we are just another time to threaten them to hand over a some money to settle a dispute?"
Shi Wa Ci smiled for a while, eyes fell at map up mark of a small string of of number up, he knows to expect Rui gram the actual fielding troops of the fortress only have 3,000 people, even if expand a soldier for this period of time also can't more than 5,beats by dre solo,000 people, and be surrounded at present, inside outside supplies missing, this fielding troops in the place basically isn't his/her own crack army corps soldier's opponent.He just worries the horizontal next heart dead war of the other party will bring he otiose sacrifice, so these several days come he have been the holdout will that takes oppression blockader as to beat method to idle away the other party, after all these more than 6,000 persons are his old origin, strong offend the fortress type fortress that the same amount guards a soldier will die or injure huge.
"The order that spreads me continues to keep to strengthen the troops of north blockader line to defend towards expecting getting Rui gram surrounding of fortress, and send more Related articles:

