
beats by dre studio However virtuous

Remind a way.
However virtuous Chuan light the country basically have never cared to do so to give the disadvantageous influence that oneself brings.But see him following to with assurance say:"Wine well and Chinese there I will think way solution.Key is how make those person with ideals and integrities understand, who think loyally for own national effect, who should not let the spring tide that oneself's bedcover faces gobble up.Make them able to reform together with us foot, this land with make it be signed to an invincible position forever!"
After the virtuous Chuan light country of some kind of Chen Ci of infuriations seems to realize they some excessively concussion.After all Nagasaki is China soldier's capital in the Tai Jin.And the pour the act member is also a governor's office to list as wanted everywhere of chief culprit.Hence he immediately and embarrassedly to the Yi rattan Ren Zhai a say with smile:"I say that the beard words let a Yi rattan again the gentleman laughed."
However this time the Yi rattan Ren Zhai but didn't be like to usually and so remind virtuous Chuan light country attention language of expression.But see him with deeply the vision hope virtuous Chuan light country, at silent the half ring after.The facial expression dignifiedly asks a way:"Lord Mr., does your true plan take in those people?"
" Afraid that the other party isn't willing to accept me this'commit treason'of person."The virtuous Chuan light country bitterness says with a smile.
"If lord Mr. really has this heart.At under here pour is have a few friends.Hoping lord Mr. can give they protection."The Yi rattan Ren Zhai gingerly says.
"Since is the Yi rattan gentleman ground friend.Think necessarily and definitely right and wrong also any of person.If they have what difficulty, though bring to seek me."The virtuous Chuan light country generously promises a way.
"That ask lord Mr. to hold on a moment."The Yi rattan Ren Zhai listens to dynasty virtuous Chuan only country Ju Gong after, then the interest in a hurry came out room.Only when the proper virtuous Chuan country is felt suspicious to the action of good friend abnormality, not and in a short while the Yi rattan Ren Zhai then took two young men to arrive at his in front.
"Yi rattan gentleman, these 2 BE?"The virtuous Chuan light country conjectured some kind of in the moment unfamiliar men, courtesy ground asked a way to the Yi rattan Ren Zhai.
"The lord is male, these 2 are from win the small Li of Jin original three Langs and mountain village faiths.They all pretty much master in an orchid to learn and just is all listed as wanted by governor's office currently."The Yi rattan Ren Zhai will after death of the two young men is 11 to the virtuous Chuan light country.In order to there being virtuous Chuan lighting country previous assurance, therefore the Yi rattan Ren Zhai doesn't mind to explain the current circumstances of this 2 people to him.
Indeed as expected virtuous Chuan light the country didn't care person's wanted's identity.Is contrary but is showed unintentionally biggest interest.The beard knows that the medium Jin of nine states has been hasing the good reputation of "the orchid learns a home town" in the Wo country.Therefore the virtuous Chuan light country doesn't doubt that 2 people are learning orchid the last scholastic attainment.But nine states are again the headquarters that pours an act parties.At that time of under the circumstance a little bit had a little the men of guts will join to pour to resist invading of foreign enemy in the act soldier.He just has a little curious.Love the scholar learns of the Yi rattan Ren Zhai is how to become friends with these two orchids to learn "wanted".
In fact, small Li three careers far compared virtuous Chuan at first light country imagination in of wanted to enrich much.The small Li is original three Lang person such as he/she, the third child at home.Although Be from warrior's noble family,pretty much show zeal for "the orchid learns" that the research comes from west.The result is seen by the household to make"heresy" to rushed through out.In chance encounter poured at that time the act army corps was big in nine states four recruit, the young spirit won of small Li original three Lang gutses a flowed out and then joined into.Because it masters in "the orchid learns" to know Holland language and Portuguese, as a result drive assigned character higher artillery regiment.He became friends with to still want the mountain village of"heresy" faith than him over there.The mountain village faith is from to decline of warrior's household.Because of hearing that many western medical skills that the orchid scholars depend on controling sets up medical clinic to lead top very and pleasingly a life.So run an orchid to learn a study doctor.Can who know he rampantly be fond of last doctor.For studying him to even steal a corpse to carry on dissection.After east window matter delivers, mountain village the faith was naturally an adult to shout "enchanter" of dozen.Have no one to turn to under had to join to pour act army corps.With borrow to dissect experience that the corpse must descend, the mountain village faith is very quick with consummate surgery technique become pour the famous doctor in the act army corps.Canning only cherish is good fortune doesn't last long, along with pour the soil of act army corps to collapse to break up.These two"heresy"s and then at once the career that stepped on to flee from home everywhere.Until 2 people run into the orchid of the mountain village faith early years to learn a teacher.But that teacher coincidentally search out the talented person's Yi rattan Ren Zhai to have to so order friendship with in the Tai Jin everywhere again.This just had at present this act.
"Two Be located on this need not be cautious.The general public notice concerning governor's office, soon afterward I from the meeting wear person processing ground."The virtuous Chuan light country reasonable and easy to get along withly says to the two young men.
It is a year to often face to destroy a limb to break arm to do to don't know the courage is still a mountain village faith naturally brave pack day, in short this young doctor at face the governor's office No.2 person of, have no the slightest nervous.But see he have no directly light the National Freeway is toward the virtuous Chuan, but ask a way by a kind of not very lousy tone:"Sorry adult, take the liberty ask for a while.The adult since has already known that we are to pour act member.What about why to dare to also take in us?Not afraid we are to revenge ground for Jin in the island'47 warriors'
However face mountain village the faith slightly takes to challenge of inquiry, virtuous Chuan light country naturally answer way:"Two persons who is Yi rattan gentleman introduction.So I believe two ability and personal conduct.Say again ability drive'47 warriors'righteous person like that kill.Is also a life a greatly luckily matter."
"BE so.I knew.That invites adult to take in me."The mountain village faith laid up unruly smiling face and kowtowed a way with serious look.
But in the another part.Small Li original three Langses then seem to be a bit hesitant.Treat to see mountain village faith have already peacefully entrusted oneself to virtuous Chuan light country after.He summons up a courage openings way:"Adult, your breadth of mind makes people admire.But I can't for strong have the person of my home to serve, can't even admit'Tai Jin'.Because I was born in the seaside of nine states, don't want to let the descendant being equally born here in the days to come is called do'Tai Jin'person.This still invites adult to help."
"I was also born in the seaside,beats by dre studio, will as well depart from this life in the seaside.For the country the house but war regardless adopts what kind ground means, we will stage by stage and continuously keep on carrying on.I don't hope our descendant apprehensibilities we.I everything that the person who hope that they can know that we are this ages does."The virtuous Chuan light national language adjusts to at quiet say.This a moment humiliation and hope depict at the same time at his face up.
"Japan isn't afraid of foreigner!Not afraid China empire!"This is previous a year Jin father and son in the island emanative Hao speech strong language is on nine state islands.The words that is similar to after for a year and then once in a very long while resound in the great blessing temple of Seoul.Only the Korean's bottom annoys an obvious ratio Wo person to want this time weak ascend several.Accurately come to say, at face the blame from China dynasty and threat of, the atmosphere in the great blessing temple isn't enough to share a bitter hatred of the enemy.But see a not big palace in, wear Zhu Pao's Korean king to sit upright at Long Yi on coldly examine own liege man.The cluster of the underneath minister little money Wu Liang Ban but row.Each facial expression strain blushes up to the ears.
"In fine in this time, we should adopt to overcome but respectfullly agreeable attitude to should to the querying of sky dynasty.Only can protect ancestor to stay a foundation industry so."The gift department of beard flower white still book Yin Jackie Chan walk with a cane Zhan to unsteadily say.But don't want to right away and then lead to come to resist a camp to get to still celebrate the response of despise generally:"Yin still book you are getting older, the courage is getting smaller.Central plains this time put clear with intention to have to make it lively for with my Korea.Even if I wait do again many of the explanation is also useless!"
"Gets generally, positive as it does the imperial government just need to do the argument that the biggest effort eradicates completely China.Then China even if stubbornly send army to fell a dynasty, at least this justice is also station at our ground.It is to achieve wisdom to help more to pour, when the time comes Central plains there is men of goodwill station in the aspect head quarter come out to talk for Korea.But, if we don't make now remediable of words, that equaled to admit Wo blaming of person."The private of the university Yin Yong follows a language center of gravity long of warn a way Related articles:

