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The navy sits to explore to toward Chu to flow smoke openings to say.
Flow smoke but speech to Chu, at present can attain of would be a quiet view, it changes, if front of in response to the navy officers and men in sky can smoothly of man the department of the soldier navy navy general and its troops within fleet Be many to ask for surrender to come over, would be a big achievement.Want ~only this matter 10%, be good enough to make be trapped Chinese the soldier navy fleet surplus in the Gai heart in response to the navy in sky Chinese soldier navy the officers and men is scared the department.
With this stroke man soldier navy fleet of soldier the general private's morale, earthquake Zhe man soldier navy after, as long as wait for rush to inherit man the soldier navy extremely kill a big department the officers and men return, from can issue order to invade man soldier navy.

Text 36, the Wei forces a threat
Renew time:2010-9-110:13:47 chapter word numbers:5538

The heart bottom contains this mind, Chu flows smokes and then toward to know that the point nods to say in response to the exploring of navy fleet in sky:This is doing, soon and soon left for, if have news, can not delay, the fast disease requites this military adviser.
Heard Chu to flow smoke to contain this speech in response to the scout of the navy fleet in sky, immediately flowed smoke Gong to Chu body to go one gift and quickly back to leave to open.
Treat this in response to after walking the scout of the navy fleet in sky, Chu's flowing smoke is lost in thought in, her heart next understand want and let troops of in response to the navy fleet of the sky war the officers and men on board as far as possible little dead and injured, hereat foundation on kill harm and surrender some Chinese soldier navies and come over more, being not an easily and then can reach of affair, the in the interval demand expends mental exertion by himself/herself, deep consideration, as a whole plan and prepare, can not appear any consideration not the place in week, if have mistake, certanly will will let and hereat die in response to the officers and men soldier of the navy fleet in sky.
Chu's flowing smoke nature extremely would not like to see with own eyes in response to the navy officers and men of the navy fleet in sky at he or she front of heel man the soldier navy lost while putting together to kill but life, hence for oneself raise calculate of matter extremely careful delicacy, deeply fear that the consider has a week not, in vain caused disruption troops of in response to the officers and men life of the navy fleet in sky.
After thinking before thinking of think quite a few time, Chu's flowing smoke don't also find out any error, this just tiny some calm mind absolute being, slowly moved gunwale in the side, stare at in response to the war ship of the navy fleet in sky before of ground,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, offer own sight pole, want to peep at present of oneself this noodles of in response to the officers and men of the navy fleet in sky with ask for surrender man officers and men soldier Mou's negotiation of the soldier navy fleet push forward of how.
The navy officers and men of front just at heel man soldier navy the general negotiate this matter.
General talks not to differ, front this I in response to the opponent of the navy fleet indeed not- expensive soldier in sky, however this momentary that momentary, at present didn't also fight high big hard expensive soldier navy of ship to fall into what I waited to surround in, the general wasn't a life person to also continue to break through siege several times, this time all is make futile efforts.From now and then, man soldier navy the fleet is far from a world first mighty army, is not a world either first navy, we in response to the navy fleet in sky be.The painful feet that caught the navy general of man soldier navy fleet in response to the navy officers and men of the navy fleet in sky, the without restraint publicizing of the beginning energetic and daring is this matter.
This in response to the navy officers and men of the navy fleet in sky heart understand, if want to make once extremely overbearingly rude and domineering Chinese soldier navy fleet of surrendered an officer to return fluently arrive in response to the navy fleet in sky, most woulds be for the way for taking effect to first and mercilessly fold Ru man the soldier navy was a burst of, made man officers and men soldier Mou of the soldier navy fleet from up arrive descend all lost early times of proud, thus, then and easily said the other party.
In response to the famous general private's taste of the navy fleet in sky original, this way is really a bit cruelty, the this time words just export.Man soldier navy fleet of had an officer naturally reaction, the this person heart bottom originally thinks to are all own defeated opponent in response to the navies in sky, oneself suffered today 100 deceitful of an in response to the navy fleet in sky of get of plot secretly against, fell into such a trap inside, just fall to hurt, lead long tired oneself's troops of the officers and men of Chinese soldier navy fleet man the war ship of the soldier navy fleet besiege here and make oneself and troops of Chinese soldier officers and men wallows in slough of despondency, the Tu shouts what then.
However this Chinese Wang Chen You forgives the general of Chinese soldier navy fleet of troops don't feel this matter to is his/her own mistake, the heart just puts blame on oneself too the gist, with as for top in response to the general of the navy fleet in sky of big be, just walk to at present like this farm land.
Like this open of with fight the officers and men row on board to compare Dou in response to the navy fleet in sky, this in response to the navy fleet in sky of feel officer with lend he or she ability with openly contest in response to the navy in sky some kind of, in response to the navy fleet in sky of that thinks that a this time surprising move extraordinary plan makes oneself falls into its 縠 of in response to the navy general in sky, only afraid isn't own opponent.
Will meet good just, the chess meets opponent, the general of this Chinese soldier navy fleet isn't willing to take a person, feel oneself fight a plan top possibility in the clever strategy of although isn't the opponent of Chinese soldier navy general that has never met, however theory is fought, man very some self-willed navy generals of the soldier navy fleet the slightest aren't willing to concede defeat, either.
He feels if have an opportunity open of is as some kind of as for the general that has never appeared of man soldier navy, both parties 倶 are to put appearance to fight a , the who's the winner still still don't be able to know.
However at present listen to in response to some kind of words of the navy officers and men of the navy fleet in sky his heart a burst of hair is cold, he understand if shine on the parlance of the navy officers and men on board in response to the war of the navy fleet in sky, own water conservancy today is far from accidental, but the Chinese soldier navy of oneself's troops fleet war on board of a stem the war capability of the navy soldier Mou officers and men has enemy however in response to the navy fleet of the sky war the enemy's soldier on board.
This mind though presented as well several times today, however man the famous general soldier of the soldier navy fleet beat heart to admit this matter, he feel in response to the war ship of the navy fleet in sky compare of the war ship of Chinese soldier navy fleet but speech, absolutely is a small sorcery to see a big sorcery, the theory rises to fight a ship of difficult offend easily guard come in response to the war ship of the navy fleet and the war ship of the man soldier navy fleet in sky absolutely are skies badly do not.
Even if and at present is also such, the war ship of man soldier navy fleet though be trapped in response to the war ship of the navy fleet in sky at Gai heart, however man the officers and men on board of the war of the soldier navy fleet soldier Mou still can rely on an oneself navy fleet of the war ship excel the other party of the war ship number raise and match with this man soldier navy.
Although the on the face of it looks is a desperate fight, do the best to support to hold, not enough also at last let the soldier Mou officers and men of man soldier navy fleet support to hold present, come up to say from this, the navy general of man soldier navy fleet is naturally extremely glad, after all this is also obtain under own conductor of extremely don't hurt, don't be every where laid siege to of the war of Chinese soldier navy fleet the officers and men on board offend to sink of results in battle.
However these make the general of this Chinese soldier navy fleet worth pride of affair can not go on, the opposite war towards the soldier of Chinese soldier navy fleet of this noodles on board Mou officers and men appeal of in response to the navy officers and men of the navy fleet in sky can permit not get Chinese soldier navy continue thus indulge in the interval, but simple and directly pick clear words head.
General need not hesitate, we just talk of the matter is absolutely true, I wait to round in response to the navy war ship in sky your waiting be slowly not willing to launch an attack, however being the Chu military adviser of our army wasn't willing to kill more the officers and men of harming the expensive soldier, Chu military adviser said that I wait should be brothers from the same root same race, this kind of blood relationship injures or kills each other of the warfare is naturally the less the better.At present I wait Hahn people of together the big enemy is Mongolia of the Da sub- emperor, if I wait mutual annihilation, not is give Da the sub- emperor is a really fine opportunity, to me in response to the navy but speech in sky, don't have no way to offend the war ship that you wait to plunge, just I wait dint in response to the officers and men Qing of the navy fleet in sky but BE, war under, certanly will jade accompany Fen, your etc. in response to the navy officers and men of the sky the soldier is brave only afraid no man can survive, our army Chu military adviser kind-heartedness Ren Shu, don't wish you to wait all dead river to win, be eaten by the fish terrapin, you wait of the soul work properly have no consign, float to concuss of became wild wandering soul ghost.Hence especially idea life my waiting the all officers and men on board is an opportunity to the expensive soldier war, if your etc. can let go of a knife soldier, the entire number returns agreeable I in response to the navy in sky, I in response to the navy officers and men of the sky nature will give you etc. to fight the navy officers and men on board is a way out.
Heard this in response to the officers and men of the navy fleet in sky Related articles:

